Tube microphone

Publish Time:2020.07.12  Views:

Tube microphone

The characteristics of tube microphones are mainly reflected in some very subtle tones. Compared with ordinary condenser microphones, they bring more openness, more delicate, gentle and flowing water, and clearer. "More rounded", in summary, is warmer. If the singing itself is flat, the tube microphone will be decorated with silver.

Compared with ordinary condenser microphones, tube microphones need to be powered separately. This is different from the operation of condenser microphones. When this microphone is not used, the condenser must be turned off to avoid direct plugging or unplugging of the microphone, which may damage the microphone.

The more functions of the tube microphone are restoration and modification, including the sound card. It does not directly change the nature of the sound, unless it is an effector that can change the sound. This point must be understood for all anchors who want to buy a microphone. After all, the role of electroacoustic technology is not magic, it is done on a scientific basis.